Thursday 27 August 2009


Trial is going on.. and i slept for less than ten hours for the whole week until yesterday.. and i really damn pissed off by all the tips.. WTH... mana ada tips boleh kena tepat tepat one.. ish.. crazy.. hmph..

damn tension la... have to study super hard for the INTI scholarship.. :(.. this few days really damn tired.. everyday wake up at 2am to study.. really regret that during holidays didn't put much effort.. in my whole entire life i really never study this hard..

really respect myself..really can tahan.. haha.. i even vomit when i'm doing my history test.. the best thing is i can go back into the exam hall and continue my paper like nothing happened.. :).. God blessed ME!!!

next week is ADD math Bio and Est... haih.. have continue study.. ~o~.. sleepy..