stupid things keep happen in m'sia.. 1st is anwar sodomy case.. i think is bette not to comment to much on this case, if not before anwar case is solved im in the jail enjoying my curry rice!! haha..
then is the Ahmad Ismail case.. before anwar won the permatang pauh men in parlimen (MP) this guy go and make a stupid statement.. and i don think i need to write it out.. he's really an idiot.. and brainless.. we are malaysian.. and how dare he made such statement. and even worst is he refuse to apologize even our prime minister ask him to.
then now followed by the form4 sejarah text book thing.. if u still dont know bout it.. just go and read form4 text book page 255 if im not mistaken.. actually those people are too sensetive.. the orang asing is those people who invest in our country.. and npt chinese or indian.. this is the whole paragraph..
ringkasnya, kemajuan dan kemakmuran tanah melayu telah berjaya menarik minat imigran untuk datang ke sini dan keadaan ini berterusan hingga kini kita seharusnya berbangga dengan negara kita yang menjadi tumpuan pendatang asing kerana kekayaan dan kemakmurannya.
jika tidak, orang asing yang sentiasa mengintai peluang untuk mengambil ruang tersebut, akan mengambil alih peranan kita, seperti yang berlaku pada hari ini...
forcus onthe bold sentence.. read properly.. any problem?? hei.. what happen to malaysia...
last is the 16th of september thing... any country that has 2 national day?? 31st of august is the day where Malaya free from the British.. and 16th of sept is the day Malaysia is formed!! so which day is more important.. undeniable.. both day is very impotant... but we already celebrate our national day 51 times on 31st of augt.. what for want to add or change the date.. right??
come on malaysian.. stop wasting your time doing stupid things to attract the media attention.. even gg'ing' is more meaningful then what you guys doing!!! LoL...
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